shipyard betina on murter

shipyard in betina murter

betina shipyard in murter

shipyard betina on murter
Tradition Followed
By Quality
Shipyard and marina Betina was founded in 1948 on tradition of Betina's wooden shipbuilding dating back to the 18th century. From the beginning to the present days seaman, boat and the sea are our partners.
Continuing 200 years long tradition in ship-building, we are offering complete servicing and maintenance service for your boats, sail-boats and other vessels.

Whether you want a new platform, expand or change a certain part of the ship, our creativity and perseverance will turn the most demanding details into details for pride.

Whether it is made out of aluminium, steel or composite the surface of your boat deserves a new glow in the colour of your choice.

Repairs and maintenance
Polishing and
Underwater parts
Electro services
Dry dock

Brodogradilište i marina d.o.o.
Nikole Škevina 15, Betina
OIB: 86582445784
Tel: +38522434495
Fax: +38522434498